How to remove PVC resource permanently.



In this article, we will release all the resource allocated to our Kubernetes container pod: not only GPU, CPU and memory resources but we also free the PVC storage as well. So, make sure you copy all your data to the local drive before releasing PVC storage as well.

We have already learned how to release GPU, CPU and memory resources by uninstalling existing helm chart. For your convenience we will repeat the steps again.


Uninstall the helm chart

Always remember to switch to the kubernetes icekube context


kubectl config set-context icekube --namespace=ltu-default
kubectl config use-context icekube 
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ltu-default

List all the helm chart

To list all the helm chart current installed on the system just simply type the below command.


helm list


It will simply list all the helm chart installed on the system.

List all the Helm chart
List all the Helm chart


you can see from the above output, it is the name which we used first name with unique 8 integer digit.

Uninstall the helm chart

Simply use this name to uninstall the helm chart.


 helm uninstall  sumit49670231


Once you issue the helm uninstall command with the chart name. It will simply release all the resources except PVC, the storage. Thus, your data remains safe.

Deleting the PVC storage 

To delete the PVC storage you have to login to the web portal, on the front page click on the Experimental Kubernetes cluster as shown below.

Click on the Experimental Kubernetes cluster
Click on the Experimental Kubernetes cluster


Then click on Rancher GUI

click on Rancher GUI
click on Rancher GUI


Then click on “Login with Keycloak”

click on "Login with Keycloak"
click on “Login with Keycloak”


From the below screenshot choose Global->icekube->ltu

Choose LTU namespace
Choose LTU namespace


Now clock on the “Volumes” tab and search for your volume name in the search bar.

Select Volume tab and search for the volume.
Select the Volume tab and search for the volume.


Select and delete the volume.
Select and delete the volume.



Confirm twice before deleting a volume, otherwise, you will end up deleting resources of another user.